Doris Rusaw

Doris Rusaw (NMLS#1411021) was born in Langenzenn, Germany. After German High School, she graduated from business school and began her career at Uvix Winter Optik in the purchasing department. In 1987, she worked for the US Military as Housing Referral Clerk assisting US-soldiers with german rental housing. In 1995, she moved with her family to Utah and started as a Housing Counselor at Community Action.

After a promotion to Housing Manager, she expanded the HUD Housing Counseling Program and offered counseling for pre-home ownership, mortgage default, predatory lending, post purchase and reverse mortgages. She implemented home buyer education classes in 1997. She was involved with the American Homeowner Education and Counseling Institute (AHECI) to standardize home buyer education for all counseling agencies and worked with AARP on the creation of the first counseling protocol for reverse mortgages.

Doris served as Board President for Habitat for Humanity of Utah County. She is currently the Chair of the Habitat Family Selection Committee and the Chair of the Senior Advisory Committee of Utah County. She has two children and three grandchildren.
